case scenario

Gary and Melissa are a retired couple who were both concerned about how long their money would last, especially given the volatility of the markets in recent years. They want to continue to live the lifestyle they have become accustomed, however, they want to be financially prudent as well. They wanted to have less risk, but they still wanted to be able to grow their money in the markets as well if possible. They were also concerned about long-term care needs and the disastrous effects this could have on their residual income.


Considering Gary and Melissa’s situation, optimizing a guaranteed stream of income was deteremined to be the most important component of their new plan desgn. The account established allowed them to continue to participate in the markets and take advantage of the upside growth. However, this particular plan was completely proteced from the downside due to their principal having no-risk or potential loss due to the markets.


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Monday-Saturday 9am-6pm
(714) 494-9515
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Santa Ana, CA 92704

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